Hands-On Learning: Science Edition


This November, SYP students local to the New York area journeyed from all directions for an exciting field trip at the New York Hall of Science in the Flushing Meadows neighborhood of Queens. Along with the SYP office staff and three teachers, we spent the day exploring the museum and its temporary Lego art exhibit, The Art of the Brick. We were lucky to have SYP math and science teacher, Mary Fairbank, create a scavenger hunt for SYP students to complete as they ventured throughout the museum. Some highlights of our trip included:

  • Watching a live dissection of a cow’s eye, which was exciting for our students who are currently studying life science and biology! 

  • Exploring dozens of stations that educate museumgoers of all ages on subjects such as light, energy, sound, magnetism, chemistry, and physics.

  • Checking out our distorted reflections in the Hall of Mirrors!

  • Admiring the inventiveness at The Art of The Brick, artist Nathan Sawaya’s ode to art through LEGOs. For this exhibition, Sawaya ingeniously reimagined a number of famous works, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring and Auguste Rodin’s The Thinker, and created original pieces, such as the 20-foot long Tyrannosaurus RexBlue Sitting Guy (life-size on a bench!) and Yellow. At the end of the exhibit, students had the chance to get creative and participate in several Lego-based challenges (but if we’re being honest, the adults jumped in as well. Who doesn’t love Legos?). To read more about the exhibit, click here.

  • Snacks at the museum’s cafe, where students had the chance to get to know their schoolmates from around the Greater New York area.  

Please take a look at some of our favorite photos from the trip; we were so excited to get these students together, learn more about science, and to facilitate another experience in which the world truly is the classroom for our students. Thank you to the New York Hall of Science and their staff for hosting us, as well as our teachers, parents, and students for attending our Fall 2019 field trip! We can’t wait to see where SYP explores next year.


The School for Young Performers is constantly developing new and exciting ways to provide a boutique educational experience for our students across the country. If you’re interested in joining our community of learners, please contact us and we’ll be in touch. We hope you have a great holiday season, and we’ll see you back here in 2020!

Until Next Time,



A School Without Walls


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