SYP’s Reopening Plan for Fall 2020
The School for Young Performers is monitoring the COVID-19 situation carefully and is taking proactive measures to ensure the health and safety of every member of the SYP community. The document below is the blueprint for School for Young Performers’ reopening plan and is informed by guidelines from the New York State Education Department (NYSED), New York Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). SYP’s reopening plan is further informed by conversations with staff, families, administrators and experts as well as internal staff meetings. The blueprint for SYP’s reopening is covered in the following areas, which are in accordance with the NYSED’s guidelines as they pertain to SYP’s construct:
1. Communication/Family and SYP Community Engagement
2. Health and Safety
3. Facilities
4. Social-Emotional Wellbeing
5. School Schedule
6. Attendance
7. Teaching and Learning
8. Technology
9. Staffing
The School for Young Performers’ goal is to offer a meaningful program for our students in-person when safe conditions can be met for teachers and families and remotely when appropriate. In some cases, a hybrid model will be provided to ensure safety within at-risk health scenarios (on the side of the student and/or the teacher).
Click here to read our entire reopening plan and please contact us with any questions.